

  • OEM
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LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol; I don’t know what the M means. Mobile?) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an IP network.

Directory service refers to the collection of software, hardware, and processes that store and organize everyday items and network resources(folders, files, printers, users, groups, devices, telephone numbers…)

It looks like a database but it’s different.

Directory services excel at fast lookups for rarely changing data (email, username etc…)

Differences between database and Directory Service :

LDAP uses a relatively simple, string-based query to extract information from Active Directory. LDAP can store and extract objects such as usernames and passwords in Active Directory, and share that object data throughout a network.

Example of LDAP usage :

I don’t know why and how Samsung uses LDAP. This package, according to its name only does logging.

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