
  • OEM
  • Safe to delete

DQA = Samsung Device Quality Agent. It monitors how the device uses Wi-Fi and has the ability to identify network operator-related data.

Found mention of some packages in the Java code:

  • com.samsung.android.app.mobiledoctor

  • com.samsung.android.dhr (Device Health Report)

  • om.salab.act

  • kr.co.avad.diagnostictool (unkown stuff from South Korea)

2 hard-coded URLs:

PRD = https://dc.dqa.samsung.com

STG = https://stg-dc.dqa.samsung.com

PRD = Portable Recording Device, STG = Security Threat Group. 2 terms related to law enforcment.


  1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.heartwiseVcr
  2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jquiz.act

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