Device Setup

  • Google
  • Exercise caution

Sets up device to be managed by EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management), which “allows organizations to securely enable employee use of mobile devices”.

Might also be what does the actual management on your device, if you set it up as a work device.

Only seems to run on boot(not in the background after boot) if you haven’t set up your device as a work device.

I tried to disable it through UAD, but nothing happens? Seems immune to disabling?

Contains 4 services: GcmJobService, GservicesChangedObserverService, AppMeasurementService and FirebaseInstanceIdService.

GCM(Google Cloud Messaging) was the backend for Android’s push messaging system 2012-2019, after which it was replaced by FCM(Firebase Cloud Messaging). I assume the GCM/Firebase connection is for Push notification functionality.

The MANAGE_CARRIER_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE permission hints at doing something with carrier locks?

Needs Google Play Services to function?

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