• Safe to delete

Backs up and restores wallpaper and metadata related to it.

This agent has its own package because it does full backup as opposed to SystemBackupAgent which does key/value backup.

This class stages wallpaper files for backup by copying them into its own directory because of the following reasons:

Non-system users don’t have permission to read the directory that the system stores the wallpaper files in

BackupAgent enforces that backed up files must live inside the package’s getFilesDir()

There are 3 files to back up:

The “wallpaper info” file which contains metadata like the crop applied to the wallpaper or the live wallpaper component name.

The “system” wallpaper file.

An optional “lock” wallpaper, which is shown on the lockscreen instead of the system wallpaper if set.

On restore, the metadata file is parsed and WallpaperManager APIs are used to set the wallpaper.

Note that if there’s a live wallpaper, the live wallpaper package name will be part of the metadata file and the wallpaper will be applied when the package it’s installed.



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