App Manager
10 2月 2025
Copyright © 2020–2025 Muntashir Al-Islam
明智而緩慢。他們跌跌撞撞地跑得很快。 —勞倫斯修士,羅密歐與朱麗葉
App Manager 是一個提供大量功能的高級的 Android
軟件包管理器,因此,需要用戶手冊來幫助用戶正確使用。本文作為 App Manager
的用戶手冊,旨在描述 App Manager 所提供的每一個功能。 本文也可以被認為是
App Manager 的 “官方” 指南,並指明 App Manager 的預期行為。翻譯可能有誤
如果在App Manager中發現任何偏離本文檔的情況,應在 App Manager
問題追蹤內反映。 AM — App Manager Block/Unblock — Used for component blocking or
unblocking. How components are blocked depends on the user
preferences. IFW — Intent Firewall (意圖防火墻) Ops — operations (操作), e.g. app ops, batch
ops, 1-click ops SSAID — Tracker — Denotes tracker components throughout
the document and in App Manager except in the scanner page. Trackers include libraries
such as crash reporters, analytics, profiling, identification, ad,
location, etc. Thus, they are not equal in functions. There is no
distinction or bias between open source and closed source libraries that
promote tracking. 當前,支持的版本是v2.6.0(穩定版),v3.0.0(alpha和debug版)。先前版本的
App Manager 可能包含安全漏洞,不應繼續使用。 App Manager 通過以下渠道發布。 非官方來源可能分發 App Manager
的修改版本,後果自負。 F-Droid 1 GitHub repository. Telegram. 除了GitHub外其他都是鏡像鏈接。tags 應當始終是最新的,但 master
分支不保證是 最新的。如果計劃 clone master 分支,請使用 GitHub
鏈接而不是其他鏈接。 App Manager 不接受直接通過PR/MR進行的翻譯。翻譯僅通過 Weblate
進行自動化管理。 要加入翻譯團隊,請訪問。 用戶可有通過多種方式做出貢獻,如創建有用 issues 、參加討論、
審查源代碼以及報告安全漏洞。 在位於源碼根目錄下的BUILDING文件中可以獲得編譯指導。 除GitHub之外的倉庫目前被視為鏡像,在這些網站提交的 PR/MR 將不被接受.
2 相反,patches ( 注意. 在通過電子郵件提交補丁是,整個郵件對話在將來可能會被公開訪問.
所以,請不要除了您的姓名和電子郵件地址之外,不要包含任何個人身份信息(PII). 捐贈或購買並不是使用App Manager的必要條件. 雖然 App Manager
不支持任何任何內購, 但可以通過 Open Source Collective 向 App Manager
的所有者發送捐贈. Open Source Collective 是 Open Collective
目前,它支持通過銀行賬戶、PayPal、信用卡或借記卡和加密貨幣發起捐贈. Link: 通過發送捐款,發送者同意他們不應使用捐款作為籌碼來使作者優先考慮其所請求的功能.
請求新功能不需要任何捐贈,且它們的優先級是按作者傾向排序. App Manager 接受任何資助的提議
有興趣的組織的代表可以通過以下方式直接聯系聯系所有者: §1.6. Muntashir Al-Islam31.1 術語
- 分配給每個應用的設備標識符 (Android
的SSAID組合生成的。因此,除非用戶選擇格式化設備,否則它保證對每個應用來說都是獨一無二的。它被廣泛用於跟蹤用戶。1.2 受支持的版本
1.3 官方來源
Normal releases:
Debug releases:
Normal releases:
Debug releases:
1.4 貢獻
更多信息請參見位於源碼根目錄下的CONTRIBUTING文件.1.5 捐贈 & 資助
1.6 聯系我們
郵箱: muntashirakon [at]
riseup [dot] net
Key Fingerprint:
單獨點擊任何已安裝的應用項目可打開相應的 應用詳情頁。
對於未安裝的系統應用,它會顯示一個 對話框提示,可以用來重新安裝該應用。
使用列表選項中的 排序
使用列表選項中的 過濾,可以過濾列表選項。
篩選也可以通過搜索欄進行過濾,並支持正則表達式。 批處理也可以在這個頁面內進行。
該模式下,批處理操作位於位於頁面底部的多選菜單,包括包括: 將選中應用添加到 配置 備份、恢覆或刪除應用程序 阻止應用中的追蹤器 清除應用數據或緩存 啟用/停用/強制停止/卸載應用程序 導出屏蔽規則 阻止應用的後台操作 (Android 7 及更高版本) 導出APK文件到 設置聯網規則 無障礙. 進入多選模式後,鍵盤或遙控器的左右鍵呼出多選菜單。 淺灰橙(日間模式下) / 深藍(夜間模式下) –
多選模式下被選中的應用 淺紅(日間模式下) / 深紅
(夜間模式下) – 停用的應用 黃色星標 – 可調試的應用 橙色 日期 –
應用可讀取日志 橙色 UID – 用戶 ID
在應用間被共享 橙色 SDK –
使用明文網絡通信(如 HTTP) 紅色 包名 –
應用禁止清除數據 紅色備份標識 –
已卸載的應用存在一個或多個備份 橙色備份標識 –
備份過期, 如基本備份中包含已安裝的應用的舊版本 深藍綠色 備份標識
– 備份在期, 如基本備份中包含已安裝應用的相同或更高版本 深藍綠色 包名 –
已強行停止運行的應用 深藍綠色 版本 –
不活躍的應用 紫紅 –
常駐應用(一直運行的應用) 一個應用程序可以是 用戶 或 系統
應用,同時存在以下後綴: 版本名稱有以下前綴:2.1.1
– 支持多種架構0
– 不含dex文件°
– 已暫停應用#
應用程序請求系統分配一個大堆,即 大運行時內存?
– 應用程序請求虛擬機處於安全模式。2.1.4
– 沒有硬件加速(減慢應用中的過渡動畫)~
– 僅測試模式debug
– 可調試應用
應用詳情 頁面由 11
信息、庫等等。 本頁中使用的顏色列表及它們的含義: 正紅 (日間) / 深紅
(夜間) – 危險權限或, 被阻止的組件(使用App
Manager操作) 亮紅 (日間) / 緋紅
(夜間) – 被阻止的組件(其他應用操作) 注意. 表示在 App Manager 之外禁用(阻止)的組件,
Manager)視為禁用(阻止)。 鮮橙 (日間) / 深橙 (夜間) – 追蹤器組件 亮紫 (日間) / 深紫 (夜間) – 正在運行的組件 應用信息 選項卡包含關於一個應用程序的基本信息,
許多操作可以在此標簽中執行. 以下的列表與“應用信息”選項卡中列出的順序相同. 應用圖標:
可以點擊圖標,進行與剪貼板中的 SHA 或 MD5 進行 APK 簽名驗證. 應用標簽: 應用程序名. 包名: 應用程序包名,點擊覆制. 版本: 版本分為兩部分: 第一部分稱
版本名(Version Name).
格式各不相同,但常由多個以點分隔的整數組成. 第二部分稱 版本號.
其被第一個括號括起來. 版本代碼是一個整數,用於 區分應用程序版本
(因為機器無法讀取版本名). 簡言之,
新版本的應用程序具有比舊版本更高的版本代碼. 如,如果 標簽: (也稱標簽雲)
標簽包括應用程序最基本、最簡潔、有用的信息,如— 追蹤器信息 應用程序中跟蹤器組件的數量 (如, 5
單擊標簽會打開一個對話框,其包含跟蹤器組件列表,如果 App Manager
具有足夠的權限,可以阻止或取消阻止這些組件. 應用類型
用戶應用或系統應用。系統應用程序的更新版本和通過 Magisk
無系統安裝的應用也被認為是系統應用. Split APK 信息 APK 中的拆分包數量,不包括基本 APK (e.g.,
5 分包). 單擊標簽會打開一個對話框,其中包含分包 APK
信息,例如類型和大小. 可調試 應用可以通過
ADB調試.可調試應用可以享受常規應用無法使用的某些功能. 應用的數據可以通過
ADB 訪問 (如使用 僅測試 應用是僅測試應用程序.
僅測試應用可以享受常規應用無法使用的某些功能. 應用的數據可以通過 ADB
訪問 (如使用 大(堆/Heap)內存 應用將請求較大的堆內存, 即需要更多內存
(RAM) 空間用於動態分配. 是否為應用程序分配大空間仍由操作系統決定.
如,App Manager 請求較大的堆大小,因為它在 Android 8 之前需要在掃描的
APK 時將整個 APK 加載到內存中App. 無代碼 該應用無任何相關代碼,如不含Dex文件.
在某些系統應用中,實際代碼可能位於其他位置. 運行中 應用的一項或多項服務正在後台運行.
如果啟用了日志查看器功能,單擊任何服務會將在日志查看器中它. 已停止 應用被強制停止.
這可能不會阻止它以後自動啟動. 已禁用 應用被禁用 (在啟動器無圖標). 已掛起 表示應用程序已掛起
(在啟動器中顯示為灰色). 被隱藏 示應用程序是隱藏的 (在啟動器無圖標). MagiskHide MagiskHide 已啟用.
單擊該標簽會打開一個對話框,其中包含應用程序中可以從 MagiskHide
添加或刪除的進程列表. MagiskDenyList 該應用程序存在於 MagiskDenyList 中.
單擊標簽會打開一個對話框,其中包含應用程序中可以從 MagiskDenyList
列表中添加或刪除的進程列表. 密匙庫 應用在 Android KeyStore 中存有項目.
單擊將打開一個對話框,其中包含屬於該應用程序的所有 KeyStore
文件. 備份 應用至少使用 App Manager 備份過一次.
單擊標簽會打開一個對話框,其包含所有可用的備份以及元數據. 不進行電池優化 電池優化對應用不生效.
可以通過單擊標簽重新啟用電池優化. 聯網策略
單擊標簽會顯示一個對話框,其中包含系統支持的策略. SSAID
SSAID。若需要可以重置/重新生成 SSAID. SAF
表示應用已被授權訪問一個或多個存儲位置或文件,即獲得由存儲訪問框架 (SAF)
的 URI. 單擊打開一個對話框,其中包含授予的 URI. 被 Google Play 簽名 表示應用程序可能由 Google
簽名. 水平滾動操作面板
有關可用操作的完整列表,請參閱§ 路徑與目錄: 應用有關路徑的各種信息,包括
應用目錄 (where the APK files reside), 數據目錄
(internal, device protected and externals), 應用分包目錄 (along
with the split names), and 本機原生 JNI 庫 (如果有). JNI
庫用於調用通常用 C/C++ 編寫的本機原生代碼,
使用本機原生庫可以使應用程序運行得更快或幫助應用程序使用使用非 Java
可以通過第三方文件管理器打開目錄,前提是它們支持並獲得必要的權限. 數據使用: 操作系統報告的應用程序使用的數據量.
根據 Android 版本,這可能需要廣泛的權限,包括 訪問應用使用情況
和 電話 權限. 存儲與緩存: 顯示有關應用程序大小(APK
在舊設備中,還會顯示外部數據、緩存、媒體和 OBB 文件夾的大小.
如果在較新的設備中未授予 訪問應用使用情況s
權限,此部分將隱藏. 更多信息 例如– SDK 顯示與 Android SDK 相關的信息.
存在兩個(舊設備只有一個)值: 最高 目標 SDK 與最低
最低SDK (後者不適用於舊設備). 最佳實踐是使用平台當前支持的最大 SDK
的應用程序,以確保應用程序未在兼容模式下運行(以便使用隱私規避功能). SDK
已稱為 等級(API Level). See also: Android
Version History 標志位(Flags): 構建應用程序時使用的應用標志,
有關標志的完整列表及其作用, 請見official
documentation. 安裝日期: 首次安裝應用的日期. 更新日期: 上次更新應用程序的日期.
如果應用程序尚未更新,這與 安裝日期 相同. 安裝器: 安裝此應用的應用.
因此,這個值不應被視為理所當然。 User ID: Android系統給應用設置的唯一用戶ID.
對於共享應用,相同的用戶 ID 被分配給具有相同 Shared User ID
的多個應用程序. Shared User ID: 適用於一起共享ID的應用.
共享應用必須具有相同的 簽名. 首選ABI: 此平台為此應用程序支持的架構。 Zygote preload name:
負責預加載應用程序代碼和在所有使用應用程序 zygote
的隔離服務之間共享的數據. 隱藏 API 使用策略: 從 Android 9 開始,Android
Framework 中的許多方法和類第三方應用程序無法通過隱藏 API 強制訪問.
存在以下選項: 默認(Default: 基於應用的類型。
對於系統應用程序,它應該被禁用,而對於其他應用,它應該被強制執行. 無或關閉(None/disabled): 該應用可以完全訪問隱藏的
API,就像在 Android 9 之前一樣. 警告(Warn): 與上面相同,除了每次應用程序訪問隱藏 API
時都會記錄警告. 這一般未使用的. 強制(Enforce): 應用無法訪問隱藏的
API,無論是深灰名單還是黑名單,或者兩者都無法訪問. 這是 Android 9
及更高版本中第三方應用程序的默認選項,除非該應用程序被 OEM
或供應商列入白名單. Warning. 隱藏 API 訪問限制策略在 Android 中沒有正確實現,應用程序可以繞過它.
因此,不應信任此值. SELinux: 操作系統通過 SELinux 設置的強制訪問控制
(MAC) 策略. 主活動: 應用的主要入口點. 這僅在應用程序具有 活動
右側還有一個啟動按鈕,可用於啟動此活動. 如上節所述,水平滾動操作面板由各種與應用相關的操作組成, 如 - 啟動: 啟動應用. 前提是要有一個可啟動活動. 禁用: 停用應用.
只能通過App Manager或任何其他支工具重新啟用該應用.
Android設置中沒有任何選項可以啟用禁用的用戶應用. 卸載: 卸載應用 啟用: 啟用應用.
若應用已啟用或用戶沒有足夠的權限,則不會顯示該按鈕. 強制停止: 強制停止應用. 清除數據: 清除應用數據.
清除包括存儲在應用內部和(僅Android 10
例如,清除 App Manager
數據將會刪除所有保存的規則(但不會清除已阻止組件),因此你應該檢查備份你的規則文件。若用戶沒有足夠的權限,則不會顯示此按鈕. 清除緩存: 清除應用緩存.
沒有任何原生方法可以清除特定應用程序的緩存,因此,需要root權限才能清除應用程序內部存儲中的緩存. 安裝: 通過第三方應用安裝應用.
此按鈕僅在應用尚未安裝時顯示. What’s New: 若外部應用已安裝,則會顯示此按鈕.
包括: 版本, 追蹤器, 權限, 組件,
簽名 (校驗值改變 ), 特性, 共享庫 與
SDK. 更新:
若應用的版本號高於已安裝的應用,則會顯示. 重裝:
若應用與已安裝的應用具有相同的版本號,則會顯示. 降級:
若應用的版本號低於已安裝的應用,則會顯示. 應用清單(Manifest):
可以使用對應切換按鈕(位於右上方)開啟自動換行,也可以使用保存按鈕保存到存儲器. 掃描器: 掃描應用以列出潛在的跟蹤器和庫.
若可用,它還會使用VirusTotal掃描文件. See also: 掃描器頁面 共享首選項:
若用戶沒有足夠的權限,則不會顯示此按鈕. 數據庫: 將顯示應用程序使用的數據庫列表.
若用戶沒有足夠的權限,則不會顯示此按鈕. F-Droid: 在你常用的F-Droid
客戶端中打開該應用. Store: 在 Aurora Store打開該應用.
僅在Aurora Store後顯示. 默認情況下,Termux
不允許運行來自第三方應用的命令。要使用此選項,請使用 Termux v0.96
以上版本,並且必須在 Info. 啟用此選項不會削弱Termux的安全性。第三方應用仍然需要取得用戶允許才能在Termux中運行任意命令。 活動(Activities)、服務(Services)、廣播接收器(Receivers)和
內容提供者(Providers) 統稱為應用程序組件.
它們共享在許多相似特征,如,它們都有一個 名稱、一個
標簽、一個 圖標 並且通過 意圖(Intent) 執行.
通過讀取元數據來處理應用。 這些選項卡中使用的顏色在 §2.2.1
中進行了解釋。也可以在彈出菜單對列表進行排序. Activity 是可以由 Android
唯一標識的窗口或頁面(如主頁 和 應用詳情頁 是兩個活動).
每個活動可以有多個 UI 組件,稱為 部件(widgets) 或
如當使用文件管理器打開文件時,文件管理器或操作系統通過 PackageManager
掃描意圖過濾器以查找能夠打開文件的活動,並用其打開文件. 標記exportable 的活動通常可以由任何第三方應用程序打開.
有些活動需要權限,如果是這種情況,只有具有這些權限的應用程序才能打開. 在
活動 選項卡中,可以通過 啟動 按鈕啟動,
若有必要可提供額外信息,如意圖(Intent)的 extras、data或Action. 長按
啟動 按鈕會打開提供此類功能的 Activity Interceptor 頁面. Notice. 如果您無法打開任何活動,則很可能它具有某些未滿足的依賴項目,例如應用詳情頁
由於無法機械式推斷這些依賴關系,因此默認情況下可能無法通過 App Manager
打開這些活動. 也可以通過 創建快捷方式 按鈕來創建活動的快捷方式 Caution. 如果您卸載App Manager,應用管理器創建的所有快捷方式都將丟失. 與用戶可以看到的 activities
不同,Services 處理後台任務。例如, 如果您使用手機的
Internet 瀏覽器從 Internet 下載視頻,則 Internet 瀏覽器正在使用
前台服務 下載內容。 當一個活動被關閉或從 Recents
手機的電池會更快耗盡。較新的 Android 版本啟用了電池優化功能
除非系統資源不足(內存、電池等),否則終止。供應商特定的庫存 ROM
可以提供更多 積極的優化。例如,MIUI 有一個非常激進的優化功能,稱為
MIUI 優化。 活動和服務都在同一個 looper 中運行
確保這一點。應用程序如何與服務通信?它用 broadcast receiver 或
Binder。 Receivers (also called broadcast receivers)
can be used to trigger execution of certain tasks when certain events
occur. These components are called broadcast receivers, because they are
executed as soon as a broadcast message is received. These broadcast
messages are sent using a method called Intent. Intent is a
special feature in Android that can be used to open applications (i.e.,
activities), run services and send broadcast messages. Therefore, like
activities, broadcast receivers use
intent filters to receive the desired broadcast messages.
Broadcast messages can be sent by the system or the application itself.
When a broadcast message is sent, the corresponding receivers are
activated by the system so that they can execute tasks. For example, if
your phone is low on resources, it may freeze or experience lags for a
moment after you enable mobile data or connect it to the Wi-Fi. This is
because broadcast receivers that can receive
Receivers can also be used for inter-process communication (IPC),
i.e., it can be used to communicate across multiple applications or even
different components of a single application. Providers are primarily used for data management.
For example, when you save an APK file or export rules in App Manager,
it uses a content provider called Unlike the no-root users who are mostly spectators in these tabs,
root users can perform various operations. On the right-most side of each component item, there is a switch
which can be used to toggle the blocking status of that particular
component. If Instant
Component Blocking is not enabled or blocking is never applied to
the application before, it is required to apply the changes using the
Apply rules option in three-dots menu. It is also
possible to remove the already-applied rules using the same option
(which would be read as Remove rules this time). It is also possible to block the component using one of the several
methods by long clicking on the button. See also: FAQ: App
Components It is possible to disable tracker components using the Block
tracker option in the three-dots menu. All tracker components
will be blocked regardless of the tab you’re currently in. Info. Tracker components are a subset of application components. Therefore,
they are blocked using the same method used for blocking any other
components. App Ops, 使用權限 and
權限 選項卡與權限相關。 安卓中,在不具有相同身份(稱為
的權限,若它們出現在應用程序清單中,則會自動授予,但危險權限 和
開發 權限需要用戶確認。 選項卡中使用的顏色在 §[subsec:app-details-color-codes]
中有解釋。 App Ops 代表"應用操作 (Application
Operations) ". 自 Android 4.3 開始,Android 使用 App
Ops 控制大多系統權限,每個 App Op
Ops”選項卡中,一些 App Ops 也有一個公共名稱。
大量的應用操作是也與權限相關,在此選項卡中,若 App Ops
相關的權限被視為危險則被標記為危險。其他信息如 標志位(flags),
權限名稱 (permission name), 權限描述(permission
description),包名 (package name),群組 ( group)
也取自相關的 權限。 其他可能包括以下內容: 模式(Mode): 描述了當前授權狀態,可以是"允許
AOSP 內部設置的默認列表推斷)、"前台(foreground)"
(在新的Android版本中,應用只能在前台運行時獲取該權限),以及一些供應商自定義的模式,如MIUI使用詢問(ask)。 時長(Duration): 此 App Ops
現已使用的時間(可能為負原因未知)。 允許時刻(Accept Time): 上一次 App Op
被許可。 拒絕時刻(Reject Time): 上一次 App Op
被拒絕。 提示. 若 每個 App Op
如果選項卡中未列出所需的 App Op,可使用菜單中的設置自定義 App
Op 。 菜單中的重置為默認 可重置App Ops,
或使用拒絕危險權限的相關操作。 受 App Ops
本身工作方式所限,系統可能需要不少時間來更改它們。 Tip. 拒絕某些 App Ops
重置為默認 選項。 可以以升序方式按 App Ops 名稱和其編號對列表排序,也可以優先顯示拒絕的
App Ops。 See also: 附錄: App
Ops 系統預定義權限(Uses Permissions)
特權用戶可通過切換按鈕授予或撤銷 危險 (dangerous) 和 開發
(development) 權限,也可以使用菜單中的相應選項。
只能撤銷以上兩種權限,因為Android不允許修改 普通 (normal)
提示. 由於系統默認會撤銷危險權限,因此撤銷所有危險權限與重置所有權限是一樣的。 可以以升序方式按權限名稱對列表排序,也可以優先顯示拒絕的權限。 (自定義)權限
Internal)" 權限,其他應用聲明、標記為"外部(
External)"的權限。外部權限在應用程序組件中指定為依賴項,即應用只有在擁有指定的權限時才能調用該組件: 名稱 每個權限都有的唯一的名稱,如
每個權限都可以有一個自定義圖標,其他權限選項卡沒有任何圖標,因為它們在應用程序清單中不包含任何圖標。 描述
描述權限的可選字段,若沒有與權限關聯的任何描述,則不會顯示該字段。 標志位(Flags) 使用標志符號或
保護名稱(Protection Level) 名稱描述權限, 諸如 普通
normal、開發 development、危險
dangerous,、即時 instant, 已授權
granted、已撤銷 revoked、簽名 signature、特權
privileged 等。 包名
表示與權限關聯的包名,即定義權限的包名。 群組(Group)
與權限關聯的群組(如果有),幾個相關的權限通常可以組合在一起。 Signatures are actually called signing information.
An application is signed with one or more signing keys by its developer
before publishing it. The integrity of an application, i.e., whether the
application is from the actual developer and has not been modified by
another person, can be checked using the signing certificate included in
the APK files. This is because when an application is modified by an
unauthorised entity, the application can longer be signed with the
original signing keys since the signing keys are unknown to the entity.
One way to verify the integrity of an application is via the checksums
generated from the certificates. If the developer supplies the checksums
for the signing certificates, they can be compared against the checksums
generated in the Signatures tab to verify the
application. For example, if you have downloaded App Manager from GitHub
or Telegram Channel, you can verify whether the application was actually
released by me by simply matching the following SHA256 checksum
with the one displayed in this tab: Several hashing algorithms are used to generate checksums in this
tab. They include MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and
SHA512. Caution. Signing information should be verified using a reliable hashing
algorithm, such as SHA256. DO NOT rely on MD5 or
SHA1 checksums as they are known to generate the same checksums
for multiple certificates. Uses Features tab lists the features declared by the
application, such as OpenGL ES, telephony, and leanback. Some features
can be required by the application, and some features can be optional.
Required features must be present in the system along with the required
version. Otherwise, any attempt to install the application will be
denied by the system. Colours used in this tab are explained in §2.2.1. Configurations tab lists the configurations required
by the application, such as input method type (qwerty, 12 key), touch
screen type (finger, stylus, etc.), and navigation type (dial pad,
trackball, wheel). This tab is going to be empty for most
應用信息 基本信息
在不同平台(移動、平板、桌面等)或架構(32/64 位、ARM 或
Intel)上為同一版本提供不同 APK
命令無需任何額外權限). 水平操作面板 配置 Termux
組件選項卡 活動 (Activity) 服務 (Services) (廣播)接收器
are activated by the
system as soon as the data connection is enabled. Since many
applications typically use this intent filter, they are all activated
almost immediately by the system which causes the freezing or lags. (內容)提供者
to save
the APK or export the rules. There are many providers, including the
ones provided by the system, that can be used to manage various
content-related tasks, such as database management, tracking, searching,
etc. Each provider has a field called Authority which is unique
to the application in the entire Android ecosystem just as the package
針對已root的手機的額外功能 阻止組件 阻止跟蹤器
權限選項卡 App Ops
授予,則此選項卡的內容對非 root 用戶可見. 使用權限
標簽聲明。 其 "標志位
(flags)"、"權限名 (permission name)"、"權限描述
(permission description)"、"包名 ( package
name)"、"群組 (group)" 取自相關權限。runtime-permissions.xml
本身,但是否可能仍不明確。 權限
Uses Features tab
Configurations tab
This page is displayed on selecting the 1-Click Ops option in the main menu. This option can be used to block or unblock the ad/tracker components
from the installed applications. On selecting this option, App Manager
will ask if it should list trackers from all the applications or only
from the user applications. Novice users should avoid blocking trackers
from the system applications in order to avoid bad consequences. After
that, a multi-choice dialog box will appear where it is possible to
exclude one or more applications from this operation. The changes are
applied immediately on pressing the block or unblock
button. Notice. Certain applications may not function as expected after blocking
their trackers. If that is the case, remove the blocking rules all at
once or one by one in the component tabs of the App Details page for the corresponding
application. See also: App
Details Page: Blocking Trackers This option can be used to block certain application components as
specified by their signatures. A signature of a component is the full
name or partial name of the component. For safety, it is recommended to
add a Caution. If you are not aware of the consequences of blocking applcations
components by their signatures, you should avoid using this option as it
may result in bootloop or soft brick, and you may have to apply factory
reset as a result. This option can be used to configure certain applcation operations of all or selected
applications. There are two fields. The first field can be used to
insert more than one app op constants (either names or values) separated
by white spaces. It is not always possible to know in advance about all
the app op constants as they vary from device to device and from OS to
OS. Desired app op constant can be found in the App Ops tab
located in the App Details page. The
second field can be used to insert or select one of the modes that will be set against the
specified app ops. Caution. Unless you are well-informed about app ops and the consequences of
blocking them, you should avoid using this option. 1-Click options for back up. As a precaution, it lists the affected
backups before performing any operation. Back up all the installed applications. Back up all the installed applications that have a previous
backup. Back up all the installed applications without a previous backup. Verify the recently made backups of the installed applications and
redo backup if necessary. If an app has changed since the last backup, redo its backup. It
checks a number of indices including application version, last update
date, last launch date, integrity and file hashes. Directory hashes are
taken during the backup process and are stored in a database. On running
this operation, new hashes are taken and compared with the ones kept in
the database. 1-Click options for restore. As a precaution, it lists the affected
backups before performing any operation. Restore base backup of all the backed up applications. Restore base backup of all the backed up applications that
are not currently installed. Restore base backup of already installed applications whose
version codes are higher than the installed version code. Delete caches from all applications, including Android system. During
this operation, caches of all the running applications may not be
cleared as expected.2.3.1
Block Components…
(dot) at the end of each partial signature, because
the underlying algorithm searches and matches the components in a greedy
manner. It is also possible to insert more than one signature in which
case all the signatures have to be separated by white spaces. Similar to
the option above, there is also an option to apply blocking to the
system applications.2.3.3
Set Mode for App
備份 Back up all apps. Redo existing backups. Back up apps without
backups. Verify and redo
backups. Back up apps with
恢覆 Restore all apps. Restore not installed
apps. Restore latest backups.
Trim Caches in All
Profiles page can be accessed from the options-menu in the main page. It primarily displays a list of configured profiles along with the typical options to perform operations on them. New profiles can also be added using the plus button at the bottom-right corner. Profiles can be imported, duplicated or deleted. Clicking on a profile item opens its profile page.
Profile page displays the configurations for a profile. It also
offers the options to edit them. Apps tab lists the packages configured for this profile. Packages can
be added or removed using the plus button located near the
bottom of the screen. A package can also be removed by long clicking on
it (in which case, a popup will be displayed with the only option,
delete). Configurations tab can be used to configure the selected
packages. The unique ID for this profile, currently set based on the profile
name. The profile ID can be used to trigger the profile from a
third-party application. This is the text that will be displayed in the profiles page. If not set, the current
configurations will be displayed instead. Denotes how certain configured options will behave by default. For
instance, if disable option is turned on, the applications will
be disabled if the state is on and will be enabled if the state
is off. Currently, it only supports on and
off values. Select users for which is the profile will be applied. All users are
selected by default. This behaves the same way as the Block Components… option does
in the 1-Click Ops page. However, the blocking here is only applied to
the selected packages. If the state is on, the components
will be blocked, and if the state is off, the components will
be unblocked. The option can be disabled (regardless of the inserted
values) by clicking on the disabled button on the input
dialog. See also: What are the app
components? This behaves the same way as the Set Mode for App Ops…
option does in the 1-Click Ops page. However, the operation here is only
applied to the selected packages. If the state is on, the app ops
will be denied (i.e. ignored), and if the state is off, the app
ops will be allowed. The option can be disabled (regardless of the
inserted values) by clicking on the disable button in the input
dialog. This option can be used to grant or revoke certain permissions from
the selected packages. Like others above, permissions must be separated
by white spaces. If the state is
on, the permissions will be revoked, and if the state is
off, the permissions will be allowed. The option can be
disabled (regardless of the inserted values) by clicking on the
disable button in the input dialog. This option can be used to take a backup of the selected applications
and its data or restore them. Two options are available here: Backup
options and backup name. Backup options. Same as the backup options of the
backup/restore feature. If not set, the default options will be
used. Backup name. Set a custom name for the backup.
If the backup name is set, each time a backup is made, it will be given
a unique name with backup-name as the suffix. This behaviour will be
fixed in a future release. Leave this field empty for regular “base”
backups (also, make sure not to enable backup multiple in the
backup options). If the state is on,
the packages will be backed up, and if the state is off, the
packages will be restored. The option can be disabled by clicking on the
disable button in the input dialog. Danger. This option is not yet implemented. Allow freezing or unfreezing the selected packages depending on the
value of the state. If the state
is on, the packages will be frozen, and if the state is
off, they will be unfrozen. Allow the selected packages to be force-stopped. Enable clearing cache for the selected packages. Enable clearing data for the selected packages. Enable blocking or unblocking of the tracker components from the
selected packages depending on the value of the state. If the state is on,
the trackers will be blocked, and if the state is off, the
trackers will be unblocked. Enable saving APK files at 2.5.2
配置選項卡 Profile ID 備注 狀態 用戶 組件 AppOps 權限 權限 備份/恢覆 導出屏蔽規則 Freeze 強制停止 清除緩存 清除數據 Block Trackers 保存APK
(or in the
directory selected in the settings page) of the selected packages.
Settings page can be used to customise the behaviour of App
Manager. 配置應用內語言, App Manager 目前支持19種語言。 配置應用程式內主題。 Whether to use a black background instead of the material themed
background. Change layout direction, either left to right or right to left. This
is usually set using the selected language but not everybody prefers the
same direction. 啟用或禁用應用 App Manager 中的某些功能,如 攔截器(Interceptor) 應用清單文件瀏覽器(Manifest viewer) 掃描器(Scanner) 包安裝器(Package installer) 使用情況(Usage access): 關閉此選項後,App Manager 將永遠不會請求
Usage Access 權限. 日志瀏覽器(Log viewer) Lock App Manager using Android screen lock provided a screen lock is
configured. Warning. If screen lock is disabled in Android after enabling this setting,
App Manager will not open until it is enabled again. Whether to run App Manager in the background to reduce the
initialisation delay. On certain devices, this can also help if you’re
frequently disconnected from ADB. Whether to activate the Internet features in App Manager. This
currently include VirusTotal and Pithus scanning in the Scanner page. This setting allows a third-party application to get access to
certain features, such as profiles. Mode of operation defines how App Manager works as a whole. It has
the following options: Auto. Let App Manager decide the suitable
option. Although this is the default option, non-rooted users should use
the no-root mode. Root. Operate App Manager in root mode. App
Manager will fall back to no-root mode if root is not detected,
or in rare cases when Binder communication through root is disabled
(e.g. in Phh
SuperUser). ADB over TCP. Operate App Manager in ADB mode
via ADB over TCP. App Manager will fall
back to no-root mode if ADB over TCP is not enabled. Wireless debugging. Enable ADB via Wireless
Debugging. It will try to connect to the configured port automatically
at first. On failure, it will ask the user to either pair or connect to
the ADB daemon manually. App Manager will fall back to no-root
mode if it fails to connect to the ADB daemon this way. Info. This option is only displayed in devices running Android 11 or later
as Wireless Debugging was introduced in Android 11. No-root. Operate App Manager in no-root mode.
While App Manager performs better in this mode, all the root- or
ADB-specific features will be disabled. It also displays the actual mode of operation at the top. The actual
mode of operations are root, ABD and
no-root. Notice. “Remote service” is only required for ADB users or when you use the
custom commands. Configure the signature
schemes to be used when APK signing is enabled. v1 and v2 signature
schemes are enabled by default, but v3 should also be enabled to ensure
proper security in Android 9 or later. Configure the signing key for signing APK files. Keys from an
existing KeyStore can be imported to App Manager, or a new key can be
generated. Tip. If you need to use the key in the future, it is recommended that you
create a KeyStore yourself and import the key here. Without a proper
backup, keys generated within App Manager are at the risk of being
deleted. Performs zip alignment when App Manager signs an APK file. Zip
alignment stores the files in the APK file (which is actually a zip
file) in a way that a zip file reader can access the files quite easily
using random access instead of loading the entire APK file in the
memory, which results in the reduction of Android’s memory usage. Note
that this step is required if an application’s manifest has
Configure the default behaviour of the installer. You can also find
most of the settings by clicking on the cog icon when you
install an application. 選擇APK安裝位置,可以為 自動、僅內部
在較新的Android版本中,最後一個選項可能並不總是能如期在外部存儲中安裝應用. Whether to block the tracking components immediately after installing
the application. Whether to display changes in version, trackers, components,
permissions, signatures, SDK, etc. in a version controlled style before
installing the application if the application has already been
installed. 選擇安裝程序,對一些明確檢查其安裝程序的應用很有用 (只適用於 root/ADB
用戶). 安裝應用前是否對 APK 文件進行簽名. 轉至 APK 簽名 部分來配置簽名. Whether to perform DEX optimization immediately after installing the
application. This can be useful for heavy applications, such as the
gaming applications. Whether to always install applications in the background. A
notification will be issued once the installation is finished. 與 備份恢覆 相關的設置. Set the compression method to be used during backups. App Manager
supports GZip, BZip2 and Zstandard compression methods, GZip being the
default compression method. It doesn’t affect the restore of an existing
backup. Customise the back up/restore dialog displayed while taking
a backup. See also: Backup
options Allow backup of applications that has entries in the Android
KeyStore. This option is disabled by default because a few apps (such as
Signal or Element) may crash if restored. Set an encryption method for the backups. App Manager currently
supports OpenPGP (via OpenKeyChain),
AES, RSA and ECC. Like APK signing,
The AES, RSA and ECC keys are stored in the KeyStore and can be imported
from other KeyStores. Danger. For your own safety, it is not recommended generating RSA and ECC
keys inside App Manager. Instead, they should be imported from a
KeyStore stored in a secure place. Select the storage where the backups will be stored. This is also
where logs and exported APK files are saved. Notice. The backup volume only specifies the storage, not the path. Backups
are traditionally stored in the Import backups from old and discontinued projects such as Titanium
Backup, OAndBackup, and Swift Backup (version 3.0 to 3.2). The backups
are not deleted after importing to prevent data loss in case the
imported backups cannot be restored properly. By default, blocking rules are not applied unless they are applied
explicitly in the App Details page
for any application. After enabling this option, all (old and new) rules
are applied immediately for all applications without explicitly enabling
blocking for an application. See also: FAQ: What is
instant component blocking? It is possible to import or export blocking rules within App Manager
for all applications. The types of rules (components, app ops or
permissions) that should be imported or exported can also be selected.
It is also possible to import blocking rules from Blocker and Watt. If it is necessary to
export blocking rules for a single application, the corresponding App Details page can be used to export
rules, or for multiple apps, batch
operations can be used. See also: Rules
Specification Export blocking rules for all applications configured within App
Manager. This may include app components, app ops
and permissions based on the options selected in the multi-choice
options. Import previously exported blocking rules from App Manager. Similar
to export, this may include app components, app ops
and permissions based on the options selected in the multi-choice
options. Add components disabled by other applications to App Manager. App
Manager only keeps track of the components disabled within App Manager.
If application components are blocked or disabled by other tools or
applications, this option can be utilised to import them. On clicking
this option, App Manager will find the components potentially disabled
by other applications or tools and list only the name of the
applications along with the number of matched components. For safety,
all the applications are unselected by default. They have to be selected
manually, and the blocking has to be re-applied via App Manager. Caution. Be careful when using this tool as there can be many false positives.
Choose only the applications that you are certain about. Import configuration files from Watt, each file containing
rules for a single package and file name being the name of the package
with Tip. Location of configuration files in Watt:
Import blocking rules from Blocker, each file
containing rules for a single package. These files have a
One-click option to remove all rules configured within App Manager.
This will enable all blocked components, app ops will be set to their
default values and permissions will be granted. This option lets you control the users App Manager should operate on.
App Manager operates on all users in root or ADB mode by default. Defines the format of the APK name to be used while saving it via
batch operations or through profiles. App Manager offers some special
keywords enclosed inside Import or export the KeyStore used by App Manager. This is a Bouncy
Castle KeyStore with Display Android version, security, CPU, GPU, battery, memory, screen,
languages, user info, etc.2.6.1
Appearance 應用主題 Pure Black Theme Layout Direction 啟用/禁用功能
Privacy 屏幕鎖定 Run App Manager in the
Background Use the Internet Authorization Manager
APK 簽名 簽名方案 簽名密鑰 Align APK Files
set to true
安裝器 安裝位置 Block Trackers Display Changes 安裝來源 簽名 APK Immediately Perform DEX
Optimization Install in the Background
備份/恢覆 壓縮方法 備份選項 備份帶 Android
密鑰庫的應用程序 加密
In case of AES, the generated key should be stored in a secure place,
such as in a password manager. 備份位置
folder inside
the storage path. But when the path is selected using Storage Access
Framework (SAF), the selected path or directory is used directly. Import Backups
規則 即時組件攔截 導入/導出阻止規則 Export Import Import Existing Rules Import from Watt
extension./sdcard/Android/data/com.tuyafeng.watt/files/ifw Import from Blocker
extension. 刪除所有規則
Advanced Selected Users Saved APK Name Format
(percentage) signs and available
below the input box. These keywords are:label
. Denotes the name or label of
the application. This can be localised to the configured language
depending on the app.package_name
. Denotes the name of
the package or application ID, the unique identifier that each
application has.version
. Denotes the current
version of the application extracted from its manifest.version_code
. Denotes the current
version code of the application that can be used to separate two
versions of the same application.min_sdk
. Denotes the minimum SDK
(i.e. Android framework version) that the application can operate on.
This data is only available since Android 7 (Nougat).target_sdk
. Denotes the SDK that
this application targets. The application can operate on higher SDK but
only in the compatibility mode.datetime
. Denotes the time and date
when the APK is exported. 導入/導出密鑰庫
extension. Therefore, other
KeyStore such as Java KeyStore (JKS) or PKCS #12 are not supported. If a
key is needed to be imported from such a KeyStore, the relevant options
should be should as specified above.2.6.10 關於設備
Scanner page appears after clicking on the scanner button in the App Info tab. External APK files can also be opened for scanning from file managers, web browsers, etc.
It scans for trackers and libraries, and displays the number of trackers and libraries as a summary. It also displays checksums of the APK file as well as the signing certificates. If VirusTotal is configured in the settings, it also attempts to retrieve reports from VirusTotal, or uploads the APK file if it is not in the database. It also display a link to the Pithus report provided the Internet features are enabled.
App Manager only scans an application statically without prejudice. The application may provide the options for opting out, or in some cases, certain features of the tracker may not be used at all by the application (e.g. F-Droid), or some applications may simply use them as placeholders to prevent the breaking of certain features (e.g. Fennec F-Droid). The intention of the scanner is to give you an idea about what the APK might contain. It should be taken as an initial step for further investigations.
Clicking on the first item (i.e. number of classes) opens a new page containing a list of tracker classes for the application. All classes can also be viewed by clicking on the Toggle Class Listing menu. The SMALI or Java version of the class can be viewed by simply clicking on an item.
Due to various limitations, it is not possible to scan all the components of an APK file. This is especially true if an APK is highly obfuscated or packed. The scanner also does not check strings (or website signatures).
The second item lists the number of trackers along with their names. Clicking on the item displays a dialog containing the name of trackers, matched signatures, and the number of classes against each signature. Some tracker names may have 2 prefix which indicates that the trackers are in the ETIP stand-by list, i.e., whether they are actual trackers is still being investigated.
The third item lists the number of libraries along with their names. The information are mostly taken from IzzyOnDroid repo.
At the bottom of the page, there is a special item denoting the number of missing signatures (i.e., missing classes). The missing signatures are the ones that App Manager has failed to match against any known libraries. The number itself has no particular meaning as many libraries contain hundreds of classes, but clicking on the item will bring up a dialog containing the signatures which is helpful in inspecting the missing signatures. This feature is only intended for people who know what a missing signature is and what to do with it, other users should ignore it.
Interceptor can be used to intercept communication between
applications using Intent
. It works as a man-in-the-middle
between the source and the destination applications. It offers a
feature-complete user interface for editing Intent
Interceptor only works for implicit intents where the app component isn’t specified.
Intent filters are used by the applications to specify the tasks they
are able to perform or the tasks they are going to perform using other
applications. For example, when you’re opening a PDF file using a file
manager, the file manager will try to find the applications to open the
PDF with. To find the right applications, the file manager will create
an Intent with filters such as the MIME type and ask the system to
retrieve the applications capable of opening this filter. The system
will search through the Manifest of the installed applications to match
the filter and list the application components that are able to open
this filter (in our case the PDF). At this, either the file manager will
open the desired application component all by itself or use a system
provided option to open it. If multiple application components are able
to open it and no default is set, you may get a prompt where you have to
choose the right application component. Action specifies the generic action to perform such as
Data is originally known as URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) defined
in RFC 2396. It can
be web links, file location, or a special feature called
content. Contents are an Android feature managed by the content providers. Data are often
associated with a MIME type. Examples: MIME type of the data. For example, if
the data field is set to This is similar to action in the
sense that it is also used by the system to filter application
components. This has no further benefits. Unlike action, there
can be more than one category. Clicking on the plus button next
to the title allows adding more categories. Flags are useful in determining how system should behave during the
launch or after the launch of an activity. This should not be touched as
it requires some technical background. The plus button next to
the title can be used to add one or more flags. Extras are the key-value pairs used for supplying additional
information to the destination component. More extras can be added using
the plus button next to the title. Represents the entire Intent as a URI (e.g. 動作(Action)
. Applications often declare the
relevant actions in the Manifest file to catch the desired Intents. The
action is particularly useful for broadcast Intent where it plays a
vital rule. In other cases, it works as an initial way to filter out the
relevant application components. Generic actions such as
are widely used by applications.
Hence, setting this alone may match many application components. 數據(Data)
content://io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager.provider/23485af89b08d87e898a90c7e/AppManager.apk MIME 類型
, the
associated MIME type can be
. 類別(Categories) 標志位(Flags) 附加數據(Extras) URI
Some data cannot be converted to string, and as a result, they might not
appear here.
List all the activity components that matches the Intent. This is internally determined by the system (rather than App Manager). The launch button next to each component can be used to launch them directly from App Manager.
Reset the Intent to its initial state.
Resend the edited Intent to the destination application. This may open a list of applications where the desired application is needed to be selected. The result received from the target application will be sent to the source application. As a result, the source application will not know if there was a man-in-the-middle.
Many root-only features can still be used by enabling ADB over TCP. To do that, a PC or Mac is required with Android platform-tools installed, and an Android phone with developer options & USB debugging enabled.
Root users.
If superuser permission has been granted to App Manager, it can already execute privileged code without any problem. Therefore, root users don’t need to enable ADB over TCP. If you still want to use ADB over TCP, you must revoke superuser permission for App Manager and restart your device. You may see working on ADB mode message without restarting but this isn’t entirely true. The server (used as an interface between system and App Manager) is still running in root mode. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future version of App Manager.
See also: FAQ: ADB over TCP
Developer options is located in Android Settings, either directly near the bottom of the page (in most ROMs) or under some other settings such as System (Lineage OS, Asus Zenfone 8.0+), System > Advanced (Google Pixel), Additional Settings (Xiaomi MIUI, Oppo ColorOS), More Settings (Vivo FuntouchOS), More (ZTE Nubia). Unlike other options, it is not visible until explicitly enabled by the user. If developer options is enabled, you can use the search box in Android Settings to locate it as well.
This option is available within Android Settings as well but like the location of the developer options, it also differs from device to device. But in general, you have to find Build number (or MIUI version for MIUI ROMs and Software version for Vivo FuntouchOS, Version for Oppo ColorOS) and tap it at least 7 (seven) times until you finally get a message saying You are now a developer (you may be prompted to insert pin/password/pattern or solve captchas at this point). In most devices, it is located at the bottom of the settings page, inside About Phone. But the best way to find it is to use the search box.
After locating the
developer options, enable Developer option (if not
already). After that, scroll down a bit until you will find the option
USB debugging. Use the toggle button on the right-hand
side to enable it. At this point, you may get an alert prompt where you
may have to click OK to actually enable it. You may also have
to enable some other options depending on device vendor and ROM. Here
are some examples: Enable USB debugging (Security settings) as
well. Enable Allow ADB debugging in charge only mode as
well. When connecting to your PC or Mac, you may get a prompt saying
Allow access to device data? in which case click
YES, ALLOW ACCESS. Notice. Often the USB debugging mode could be disabled
automatically by the system. If that’s the case, repeat the above
procedure. Depending on the device and the version of operating system, you have
to enable Disable Permission Monitoring, or USB
debugging (Security settings) along with Install via
USB. Depending on the device and the version of operating system, you have
to enable Disable Permission Monitoring. Make sure you have USB tethering enabled. In case USB Debugging is greyed out, you can do the
following: Make sure you enabled USB debugging before connecting your phone
to the PC or Mac via USB cable Enable USB tethering after connecting to PC or Mac via USB
cable (For Samsung) If your device is running KNOX, you may have to
follow some additional steps. See official documentations or consult
support for further assistant3.1.2.1 小米 (MIUI) 華為 (EMUI) Realme OnePlus (Oxygen OS) LG 故障排除
In order to enable ADB over TCP, you have to set up ADB in your PC or
Mac. Lineage OS users can skip to § Download the latest version of Android
SDK Platform-Tools for Windows Extract the contents of the zip file into any directory (such as
Open Command Prompt or
PowerShell from this directory. You can do it manually
from the start menu or by holding Download the latest version of Android
SDK Platform-Tools for macOS Extract the contents of the zip file into a directory by clicking
on it. After that, navigate to that directory using Finder and
locate Open Terminal using Launchpad or
Spotlight and drag-and-drop Tip. If you are not afraid to use command line, here’s a one liner: After that, you can simply type Open your favourite terminal emulator. In most GUI-distros, you
can open it by holding Run the following command: If it is successful, you can simply type Windows
) and navigate to that
directory using ExplorerShift
and Right clicking
within the directory in File Explorer and then clicking either
on Open command window here or on Open PowerShell window
here (depending on what you have installed). You can now access ADB
by typing adb
(Command Prompt) or ./adb
(PowerShell). Do not close this window yet3.1.3.2 macOS
from the
Finder window into the Terminal window. Do not close
the Terminal window yetcd ~/Downloads && curl -o -L \
&& \ unzip && rm && cd platform-tools
in the in same
Terminal window to access ADB. Linux
, Alter
at the same timecd ~/Downloads && curl -o -L \
&& \ unzip && rm && cd platform-tools
the in same terminal emulator window or type
in any terminal emulator to
access ADB.
Lineage OS (or its derivatives) users can directly enable ADB over TCP using the developer options. To enable that, go to the Developer options, scroll down until you find ADB over Network. Now, use the toggle button on the right-hand side to enable it and skip to §
For other ROMs, you can do this using the command
prompt/PowerShell/terminal emulator that you’ve opened in the step 3 of
the previous section. In this section, I will use adb
denote ./adb
, adb
or any other command that
you needed to use based on your platform and software in the previous
Connect your device to your PC or Mac using a USB cable. For some devices, it is necessary to turn on File transfer mode (MTP) as well
To confirm that everything is working as expected, type
adb devices
in your terminal. If your device is connected
successfully, you will see something like this:
List of devices attached
xxxxxxxx device
In some Android phones, an alert prompt will be appeared with a message Allow USB Debugging in which case, check Always allow from this computer and click Allow.
Finally, run the following command to enable ADB over TCP:
adb tcpip 5555
You cannot disable developer options or USB debugging after enabling ADB over TCP.
After enabling ADB over TCP, relaunch App Manager. App Manager should detect ADB mode automatically. If it cannot, you can change the mode of operation to ADB over TCP in the settings page. There, you can also verify whether App Manager has correctly detected ADB as indicated by the inferred mode.
In some Android devices, the USB cable is needed to be disconnected from the PC before connecting to App Manager.
ADB over TCP will be disabled after a reboot. In that case, you have to follow § again.
Lineage OS users.
You can turn off ADB over Network in developer options, but turning off this option will also stop App Manager’s remote server. So, turn it off only when you’re not going to use App Manager in ADB over TCP mode.
If you are running Android 11 or later and capable of connecting to a Wi-Fi network for, at least, a few moments, Wireless Debugging is the recommended approach as it offers more protection than ADB over TCP. It requires two steps:
ADB pairing. The initial and a bit complex step for a novice user. Fortunately, this step is not required all the time.
Connecting to ADB. The final step which needs to be carried out every time you reboot your phone.
In the Developer options page, find Wireless debugging and click to open it. In the new page, turn on Use wireless debugging. Depending on your configuration, you might see a dialog prompt asking you to verify your decision. If that is the case, click Allow.
For an easy access, you might want to add Wireless debugging in the notification tiles section. To do this, find Quick settings developer tiles in the Developer options page and click to open it. In the new window, enable Wireless debugging. However, this option is unavailable in most operating systems.
Keeping the Wireless debugging page open, go to the Recents page either by swiping up or by using the dedicated navigation button, and click on the Settings logo to enable Split screen. It will wait for you to select or launch another application: Launch or select App Manager.
Now, in App Manager and navigate to Settings and then enable Wireless debugging in Mode of operation. After a few moments, App Manager will ask you to either connect or pair ADB. Select pair.
In the Wireless debugging page (now should be on top among the splits), select Pair device with pairing code. At this, a dialog prompt will be displayed. Note down the pairing code but DO NOT close the dialog prompt or the window.
Finally, in App Manager, insert the pairing code and click pair. The port number should be detected automatically. If it cannot, you have to insert the port number as well.
If the pairing is successful, it will display a successful message at the bottom, and the dialog prompt in the Wireless debugging page will be dismissed automatically, and you will be able to see App Manager listed as an ADB client.
If you do not use App Manager in ADB mode for a while (depending on devices), App Manager might be removed from the list. In that case, you have to repeat the above procedure.
App Manager should be able to connect to ADB automatically if the mode of operation is set to auto, ADB over TCP or Wireless debugging. If that is not the case, select Wireless debugging in the settings page. If App Manager fails to detect or connect to ADB, it will display a dialog prompt to connect or pair ADB. Select connect.
Now, navigate to the Wireless debugging page in Android settings, and note down the port number displayed in the page. In App Manager’s dialog prompt, replace the port number with the one that you have noted earlier, and click connect.
Once a connection has been established, you can safely disable Wireless debugging in Android settings.
Never disable USB Debugging or any other additional options described in §3.2.1. If you do this, the remote server used by App Manager will be stopped, and you may have to start all over again.
App Manager has a modern, advanced and easy-to-use backup/restore system implemented from the scratch. This is probably the only app that has the ability to restore not only the app or its data but also permissions and rules that you’ve configured within App Manager. You can also choose to back up an app multiple times (with custom names) or for all users.
Back up/restore is a part of batch
operations. It is also located inside the options menu in the App Info tab. Clicking on
Backup/Restore opens the Backup
Options. Backups are located at
by default. You can
configure custom backup location in the settings page in which case the
backups will be located at the AppManager
folder in the
selected volume.
If one or more selected apps do not have any backup, the Restore and Delete Backup options will not be displayed.
Backup options (internally known as backup flags) let you customise the backups on the fly. However, the customisations will not be remembered for the future backups. If you want to customise this dialog, use Backup Options in the Settings page.
A complete description of the backup options is given below:
APK files. Whether to back up the APK files.
This includes the base APK file along with the
split APK
files if they exist.
Internal data. Whether to back up the internal
data directories. These directories are located at
and (for Android N or later)
External data. Whether to back up data directories located in the internal memory as well as SD Card (if exists). External data directories often contain non-essential app data or media files (instead of using the dedicated media folder) and may increase the backup size. However, it might be essential for some apps. Although it isn’t checked by default (as it might dramatically increase the size of the backups), you may have to check it in order to ensure a smooth restore of your backups.
Internal data folders should always be backed up if you are going to back up the external data folders. However, it could be useful to back up only the external folders if the app in question downloads a lot of assets from the Internet.
OBB and media. Whether to back up or restore the OBB and the media directories located in the external storage or the SD Card. This is useful for games and the graphical software which actually use these folders.
Cache. Android apps have multiple cache directories located at every data directories (both internal and external). There are two types of cache: cache and code cache. Disabling this option excludes both cache directories from all the data directories. It is generally advised to exclude cache directories since most apps do not clear the cache regularly and usually handled by the OS itself. Apps such as Telegram may use a very large cache (depending on the storage space) which may dramatically increase the backup size. When it is disabled, AM also ignores the no_backup directories.
Extras. Backup/restore app permissions, net policy, battery optimization, SSAID, etc., enabled by default. Note that, blocking rules are applied after applying the extras. So, if an item is present in both places, it will be overwritten (i.e., the one from the blocking rules will be used).
Rules. This option lets you back up blocking rules configured within App Manager. This might come in handy if you have customised permissions or block some components using App Manager as they will also be backed up or restored when you enable this option.
Backup Multiple. Whether this is a multiple backup. By default, backups are saved using their user ID. Enabling this option allows you to create additional backups. These backups use the current date-time as the default backup name, but you can also specify custom backup name using the input field displayed when you click on the Backup button.
Custom users. Backup or restore for the selected users instead of only the current user. This option is only displayed if the system has more than one user.
Skip signature checks. When taking a backup,
checksum of every file (as well as the signing certificate(s) of the
base APK file) is generated and stored in the checksums.txt
file. When you restore the backup, the checksums are generated again and
are matched with the checksums stored in the said file. Enabling this
option will disable the signature checks. This option is applied only
when you restore a backup. During backup, the checksums are generated
regardless of this option.
You should always disable this option to ensure that your backups are not modified by any third-party applications. However, this would only work if you enabled encryption.
See also: Settings: Encryption
Backup respects all the backup options except Skip signature checks. If base backups (i.e., backups that don’t have the Backup Multiple option) already exist, you will get a warning as the backups will be overwritten. If Backup Multiple is set, you have an option to input the backup name, or you can leave it blank to use the current date-time.
Restore respects all the backup options and will fail if APK files option is set, but the backup doesn’t contain such backups or in other cases, if the app isn’t installed. When restoring backups for multiple packages, you can only restore the base backups (see backup section for an explanation). However, when restoring backups for a single package, you have the option to select which backup to restore. If All users option is set, AM will restore the selected backup for all users in the latter case but in the former case, it will restore base backups for the respective users.
Apps that use storage access framework (SAF), SSAID or Android KeyStore works properly only after an immediate restart.
Delete backup only respects All users option and when it is selected, only the base backups for all users will be deleted with a prompt. When deleting backups for a single package, another dialog will be displayed where you can select the backups to delete.
It is possible to trigger profiles configured inside App Manager via
third-party applications such as Automation or
Tasker. Traditionally, The activity
It has two primary extras required in all conditions. The key names,
data types are all follows: App Manager current support a single feature, namely
In order to trigger a profile, Intent
s are used to
trigger such operations.3.4.2
Configuring tasks
is responsible for handling all the automations. Sending an intent to
the activity lets App Manager perform the designated operation by
redirecting the Intent
to the designated activity or
service. Required extras
. (String value) The
authorization key as described in the earlier section.feature
. (String value) Name of the
feature. Supported features are described in the next section.3.4.3
Triggering a profile
must have the
value profile
. In addition, the following extras can be
. (String value – required) The
name of the profile as displayed in the Profiles page.state
. (String value – optional)
State of the profile – currently on
or off
as specified in the documentation. If this extra is not set, App Manager
will display a prompt where a state must be selected. Therefore, for
complete automation, this option should be set.
Short for Network policy or network policies. It is usually located in the Android settings under Mobile data & Wifi section in the app info page of an app. Not all policies are guaranteed to be included in this page (e.g. Samsung), and not all settings are well-understood due to lack of documentation. App Manager can display all the net policies declared in the NetworkPolicyManager. Policies unknown to App Manager will have a Unknown prefix along with the policy constant name and number in the hexadecimal format. Unknown policies should be reported to App Manager for inclusion.
Net policy allows a user to configure certain networking behaviour of an app without modifying the ip tables directly and/or running a firewall app. However, the features it offers largely depend on Android version and ROM. A list of known net policies are listed below:
None or
: (AOSP) No specific network
policy is set. System can still assign rules depending on the nature of
the app.
Reject background data on metered networks or
: (AOSP)
Reject network usage on metered networks when the application is in
Allow background data on metered networks even when Data
Saver is on or
: (AOSP)
Allow metered network use in the background even when data saving mode
is enabled.
Reject cellular data or
(Android 11+) or
(up to Android 10):
(Lineage OS) Reject mobile/cellular data. Signals network unavailable to
the configured app as if the mobile data is inactive.
Reject VPN data or
(Android 11+) or
(up to Android 10):
(Lineage OS) Reject VPN data. Signals network unavailable to the
configured app as if the VPN is inactive.
Reject Wi-Fi data or
(Android 11+) or
(up to Android 10):
(Lineage OS) Reject Wi-Fi data. Signals network unavailable to the
configured app as if the device is not connected to a Wi-Fi
Disable network access or
(Android 11+) or
(up to Android
10): (Lineage OS) Reject network access in all circumstances. This is
not the same as enforcing the other three policies above, and is the
recommended policy for dodgy apps. If this policy is enforced, there is
no need to enforce the other policies.
(Samsung) Possibly allow metered network use during roaming. Exact
meaning is currently unknown.
(Samsung) Possibly allow network use during roaming. Exact meaning is
currently unknown.
Reject data on metered networks or
: (Motorola) Reject
network usage if it is a metered network.
Reject background data or
: (Motorola)
Reject network usage in the background.
Disable network access or
: (Motorola) Reject
network access altogether. Like Lineage OS, it blocks internet
connections via iptables. But whether it signals the unavailability of
network to the configured app is not known.
Corresponding Lineage OS patches are as follows:
Activities, services, broadcast receivers (or only receivers) and content providers (or only providers) are jointly called application components. More technically, they all inherit the ComponentInfo class and can be launched via Intent.
App Manager typically blocks application components (or tracker components) using a method called Intent Firewall (IFW), it is superior to other methods such as pm (PackageManager), Shizuku or any other method that uses the package manager to enable or disable the components. If a component is disabled by the latter methods, the application itself can detect that the component is being blocked and can re-enable it as it has full access to its own components. (Many deceptive applications actually do this in order to keep the tracker components unblocked.) On the other hand, IFW is a true firewall and the application cannot detect if its components are being blocked. App Manager uses the term block rather than disable for this reason.
Even IFW has some limitations which are primarily applicable for the system applications:
The application in question is whitelisted by the system i.e. the system cannot function properly without these applications and may cause random crashes. These applications include but not limited to Android System, System UI, Phone Services. They will continue to work even if they are disabled or blocked.
Another system application or system process has activated a specific component of the application in question via interprocess communication (IPC). In this case, the component will be activated regardless of blocking status or even if the entire application is disabled. If there is such a system application that is not needed, the only way to prevent it from running is by getting rid of it.
No. But the application components blocked by the system or any other tools are displayed in the component tabs. These rules can be imported from Settings. However, it is not possible for App Manager to distinguish the components blocked by the third-party tools and components blocked by the system. Therefore, the applications listed in the import page should be selected with care.
App Manager blocks the components again if requested. In case of unblocking, they will be reverted to the default state as specified in the manifest of the application. But if the components were blocked by MyAndroidTools (MAT) with IFW method, they will not be unblocked by App Manager as it uses a different format. To fix this issue, the rules have to be imported from Settings at first, in which case MAT’s configurations will be permanently removed.
When you block a component in the App Details page, the blocking is not applied by default. It is only applied when you apply blocking using the Apply rules option in the top-right menu. If you enable instant component blocking, blocking will be applied as soon as you block a component. If you choose to block tracker components, however, blocking is applied automatically regardless of this setting. You can also remove blocking for an application by simply clicking on Remove rules in the same menu in the App Details page. Since the default behaviour gives you more control over applications, it is better to keep instant component blocking option disabled.
All application components are classes but not all classes are components. In fact, only a few of the classes are components. That being said, scanner page displays a list of trackers along with the number of classes, not just the components. In all other pages, trackers and tracker components are used synonymously to denote tracker components, i.e. blocking tracker means blocking tracker components, not tracker classes.
Tracker classes that are not components cannot be blocked. They can only be removed by editing the application itself.
Unfortunately, yes. This is because the ADB daemon, the process responsible for ADB connection, is also restarted after a reboot, and it does not re-enable ADB over TCP.
ADB has limited number of permissions and controlling application components is not one of them. However, the components of a test-only app can be controlled via ADB. If App Manager detects such an application, it enables the blocking options automatically.
Supported features are enabled automatically in the ADB mode. Supported features include disabling, force-stopping, clearing application data, granting or revoking app ops and permissions, and so on. It is also possible to install or uninstall applications without any prompt from the system.
Yes. AM cannot modify any system settings without root or ADB.
Trackers and libraries are updated manually before making a new release.
No, APKs aren’t deleted by App Manager after they are installed.
App Manager’s use of hidden API and privileged code execution is now much more complex and cannot be integrated with other third party apps such as Shizuku. Here are some reasons for not considering Shizuku (which now has Apache 2.0 license) for App Manager:
Shizuku was initially non-free which led me to use a similar approach for App Manager to support both root and ADB
App Manager already supports both ADB and root which in some cases is more capable than Shizuku
Relying on a third-party app for the major functionalities is not a good design choice
Integration of Shizuku will increase the complexity of App Manager.
Bloatware are the unnecessary apps supplied by the vendor or OEM and are usually system apps. These apps are often used to track users and collect user data which they might sell for profits. System apps do not need to request any permission in order to access device info, contacts and messaging data, and other usage info such as your phone usage habits and everything you store on your shared storage(s).
The bloatware may also include Google apps (such as Google Play Services, Google Play Store, Gmail, Google, Messages, Dialer, Contacts), Facebook apps (the Facebook app consists of four or five apps), Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter and many other apps which can also track users and/or collect user data without consent given that they all are system apps. You can disable a few permissions from the Android settings but be aware that Android settings hides almost every permission any security specialist would call potentially dangerous.
If the bloatware were user apps, you could easily uninstall them either from Android settings or AM. Uninstalling system apps is not possible without root permission. You can also uninstall system apps using ADB, but it may not work for all apps. AM can uninstall system apps with root or ADB (the latter with certain limitations, of course), but these methods cannot remove the system apps completely as they are located in the system partition which is a read-only partition. If you have root, you can remount this partition to manually purge these apps but this will break Over the Air (OTA) updates since data in the system partition has been modified. There are two kind of updates, delta (small-size, consisting of only the changes between two versions) and full updates. You can still apply full updates, but the bloatware will be installed again, and consequently, you have to delete them all over again. Besides, not all vendors provide full updates.
Another solution is to disable these apps either from Android settings (no-root) or AM, but certain services can still run in the background as they can be started by other system apps using Inter-process Communication (IPC). One possible solution is to disable all bloatware until the service has finally stopped (after a restart). However, due to heavy modifications of the Android frameworks by the vendors, removing or disabling certain bloatware may cause the System UI to crash or even cause bootloop, thus, (soft) bricking your device. You may search the web or consult the fellow users to find out more about how to debloat your device.
From v2.5.19, AM has a new feature called profiles. The profiles page has an option to create new profiles from one of the presets. The presets consist of debloating profiles which can be used as a starting point to monitor, disable, and remove the bloatware from a proprietary Android operating system.
In most cases, you cannot completely debloat your device. Therefore, it is recommended that you use a custom ROM free from bloatware such as Graphene OS, Lineage OS or their derivatives.
AM currently supports blocking activities, broadcast receivers, content providers, services, app ops and permissions, and in future I may add more blocking options. In order to add more portability, it is necessary to import/export all these data.
Maintaining a database should be the best choice when it comes to
storing data. For now, several tsv
files with each file
having the name of the package and a .tsv
extension. The
file/database will be queried/processed by the
class. Due to this abstraction, it
should be easier to switch to database or encrypted database systems in
future without changing the design of the entire project. Currently, All
configuration files are stored at
The format below is used internally within App Manager and is not compatible with the external format.
<name> <type> <mode>|<component_status>|<is_granted>
– Component/permission/app op name (in
case of app op, it could be string or integer)
– One of the ACTIVITY
– (For app ops) The associated mode constant
– (For components)
Component status
– Component has been applied (true
value is kept for compatibility)
– Component hasn’t been applied yet, but will
be applied in future (false
value is kept for
– Component is scheduled to be
– (For permissions) Whether the
permission is granted or revoked
外部格式用於在 App Manager 中導入或導出規則。
<package_name> <component_name> <type> <mode>|<component_status>|<is_granted>
導出的規則與內部規則的格式不同,不應直接複製到 conf 文件夾。
App Manager v4.0.0 comes with a lot of new features and improvements.
Visit Settings > About
> Version/Changelog for details. The new logo is just a cursive “A”. The design is based on the Tengwar Telcontar font
which was created to bring the Tengwar script, originally created by J.
R. R. Tolkien, to the digital world. The letter has the classic App
Manager color (i.e., #dcaf74) and uses a pure black background instead
of a shade of grey. App Manager now targets Android 14 and fully supports Android 15. KeyStore backup/restore is not working in Android 12 and later. Debloating profiles were available as “Presets” in the Profiles page
which has now been replaced with the Debloater page and can be accessed
from the three-dots menu in the Main page. ADL is
a new project that focuses on maintaining a list of bloatware as well as
potential open source alternatives. Contributions are welcome! App Manager offers an (almost) fully-featured file manager with basic
file operations, such as copy, cut, rename, and delete along with the
batch operations. It also offers an extensive “Open with…” dialog to
open a file with another app, and a comprehensive file properties
viewer. Folders can also be added to the list of favorites for quick
access. And many more. Manifest and code viewers have been replaced with this new editor.
Among other regular features, it includes proper syntax highlighting and
advanced searching options. In addition, files from third-party apps can
also be opened for editing. All 1-click operations, batch operations, and profile invocations are
now stored as history. The history items can also be executed from the
History page. To ensure consistency, the profile state, configurations,
package list are also stored, and this stored version is executed
instead of the actual profile. As a result, this works even if the
profile is deleted. Freeze/unfreeze feature now supports setting per-app freezing method
which is beneficial in certain scenarios, such as when a user want to
suspend some apps while using the disable method as the default. In
addition, an “Advanced suspend” option is added which force-stops an
application before suspending it, thus, prevent it’s services from
running in the background. Log viewer now supports enhanced searching and filtering options,
such as keyword- and regular expression-based searching and filtering.
Please read the in-app changelog for details. Support for batch
operations has also been added. App Manager now supports launching non-exported activities in no-root
and ADB mode. However, in no-root mode,
It is not possible to modify installer options during the
installation by clicking on the “settings” button in the installation
dialog. The installer options will be applied to all the applications
installed in the same session (i.e., the installer queue). App Manager now supports running its remote server (which is used as
a proxy for running privileged operations) as any supported user (UID).
This includes root (0), system (1000), and shell/ADB (2000) through the
custom commands. This is also useful for Fire TVs which have disabled
connecting to ADB from localhost through socket connection. In addition,
ADB pairing is now done using notifications rather than split screen.
ADB connection speed can also be improved by choosing to run App Manager
in the background which can be configured in the settings. Data usage widget display the total data usage for the day, similar
to the screen time widget which displays the total screen time for the
day. In addition, existing widgets have been improved. Replaced log viewer, sys config, Terminal, etc. with Labs
page Added an option to disable sensors for each app in the App Info
tab Added an option to perform runtime optimization of applications
in the 1-click Ops page and in the App Info tab Added support for Zstandard compression for
backup/restore Enabling APK signing now automatically enables zip align
feature Support exporting application list as CSV or JSON in the batch
operations Added pure black theme support Display current activity name (when possible) in the UI Tracker
window Added an option to filter apps by user in the Main page Display a link to Pithus report in the scanner page if
New logo!
Android 14 and 15 support Known issue
Revamped debloater
Introducing file manager
Integrated code editor
History of operations
Per-app freezing, and
Log viewer enhancements
Launching non-exported
permission is
required.6.1.11 Per-session installer
6.1.12 Advanced mode
of operations, ADB enhancements, …
6.1.13 Data usage widget, and more
6.1.14 Others
App Manager v3.1.0 comes with a few new features and a lot of
improvements. Visit Settings > About >
Version/Changelog for details. App Manager now targets Android 13 which means most issues in Android
12 and 13 has been addressed, including SSAID and SAF issues as well as
monochrome icons and other theming issues. KeyStore backup/restore not working in Android 12 and later. Enable/disable is replaced with freeze/unfreeze to allow greater
control on the behaviours of an app. It supports suspend, disable and
hide functionalities which can be controlled at Settings >
Rules > Default freezing method. In order to make it easy to
freeze or unfreeze an app, shortcuts can also be created from the App
Info tab by long clicking on the freeze or unfreeze button. In the Main page, it is now possible to export the list of apps in
either XML or Markdown format using batch operations. In the future, the
XML file may also be imported to App Manager. App Manager now fully supports encrypting backups using ECC in
addition to offering AES, RSA and OpenPGP. Two new languages are added: Korean and Romanian. In the main page, more sorting and filtering options are added.
Sorting options include sorting the apps by total size, total data
usage, launch count, screen time and last usage time. Filtering options
include filtering the apps having at least one item in the Android
KeyStore, filtering apps with URIs granted via SAF, and filtering apps
with SSAID. Fixed various issues with ADB pairing, handled incomplete USB
debugging. Some rooting methods cannot allow interprocess communication
via Binder. In those cases, ADB mode is used as a fallback method by
enabling it automatically if possible. When possible, App Manager will be able to display apps from work
profile in no-root mode in addition to allowing basic operations such as
launching the app or navigating to the system settings. For backups, it
is now possible to restore backups for other users, but for work
profile, some apps may only work properly after re-enabling the work
profile. In the installer page, selecting All users will now
install the app for all users instead of only the current user. Finally,
in the app info tab, current app can be installed in another profile
using the Install for… option available in the three-dots menu.
This is analogous to the Explorer can now open DEX and JAR files in addition to APK files.
Several sorting options as well as folder options are also added as the
list options. In app info tab, a new tag called WX is added. It is displayed in
Android 10 and later if the application targets Android 9 or earlier. It
indicates W^X
violation which allows the app to execute arbitrary executable files
either by the modification of executables embedded within the app or by
downloading them from the Internet. App ops are now managed automatically to avoid various app ops
related crashes in various platforms. This will also lessen the amount
of crashes in an unsupported operating system. In the Main page, enabled batch uninstallation in no-root mode. Enabled advanced searching. Searching now matches not only app labels
but also package names. Copy the intercepted Intent as am command which can be run from
either an ADB shell or a terminal using root with the same
effectiveness. Explicitly handle the Internet permission which is a runtime
permission in the OS. Fixed permission denied issues in the installer due to a framework
issue introduced in MIUI 12.5. Fixed crashes in the Interceptor page due to a framework issue
introduced in Android 11. Improved Java-Smali conversion by including all the subclasses
during conversion Improved scanning performance in the Scanner page Improved updating the list of apps in the Main page Scan all the available paths to detect systemless-ly installed
system apps6.2.1
Android 13 support Known issue
Export app list
Elliptic Curve Crypography
New languages
More list options
Improved handling
of mode of operation
Handling multiple users
pm install-existing
thereby, making the installation process a lot faster.6.2.9
Explorer enhancements
6.2.10 New tag: WX
6.2.11 App ops management
6.2.12 Batch uninstallation
6.2.13 Running apps
6.2.14 Interceptor
6.2.15 Device-specific changes Graphene OS MIUI Motorola
6.2.16 Others
SQLite database before opening it for viewing
or editing.
App Manager v3.0.0 comes with a lot of features and improvements. See
Settings > About >
Version/Changelog to see a more detailed changelog. Material 3, somewhat similar to Material You, is a
significant improvement over Material Design 2 with support for dynamic
colours in Android 12 and later. In addition, many design changes have
been made in App Manager without any significant changes in the overall
user experience. Switches are still based on Material Design 2 which will be fixed in
a future release. Wireless debugging support has been fully implemented. Head over to
§3.2 for instructions on how
to configure wireless debugging. No-root users. Due to auto-detection feature, startup time might be large for
no-root users when the mode of operation is set to auto.
Instead, no-root users should select no-root instead of
auto. App Manager is fully translated into Indonesian and Italian languages
and can be enabled in settings. Bengali is removed due to lack of
translators. App Explorer can be used to browse the contents of an application.
This includes binary XML files, DEX contents or any other media files.
DEX contents can only be explored in Android Oreo (Android 8) and later.
It’s also possible to convert an It is possible to import backups from discontinued or obsolete
applications such as Titanium Backup, OAndBackup and Swift Backup
(version 3.0 to 3.2). Go to Setting > Backup/restore to find this
option. VirusTotal is a widely used tool to scan files and URLs for viruses.
In the scanner page and in the running apps page, an option to scan
files with VirusTotal has been added. But the option is hidden by
default. To enable the option, it is necessary to obtain an API key from
VirusTotal. Go to Settings > VirusTotal API Key for more
information. Internet feature. This is currently the only feature which require an Internet
connection. If you wish to use any Internet feature that might also be
added in the future, enable Use the Internet in Settings >
Enable/disable features. As the implementation of routine operations is being delayed, an
option to trigger profiles from the external automation software is
added. See §3.4 for instructions on how to
configure profile automation. Application installer includes several improvements including the
ability to downgrade applications in no-root mode, installing multiple
applications at once and blocking trackers after installation. In
Android 12 and later, no-root users can update applications without any
user interactions. It is now possible to configure how App Manager should block a
component. Visit Settings > Rules > Default blocking method for
more information. In the components tab, long clicking the block/unblock
button opens a context menu which allows per-component blocking in a
similar manner. ADB users can also block the components of a Test
only app. In some pages, the search bar supports additional searching which
includes searching via prefix, suffix or even regular expressions. In
the main page, it is also possible to search for applications using the
first letters of each word, e.g. App Manager can be listed by
searching for am. Activity interceptor can be opened directly from the activities tab
by long clicking on the launch button, and similarly, activities can be
launched from the activity interceptor page with or without root, for
any users. Notice. Currently, activities opened via root cannot send the results back to
the original applications. Screen time widget is quite similar to Digital Wellbeing’s widget by
the same name. It displays the total screen time for the day along with
the top three apps from all users. Clear cache widget can be to clear cache from all the applications
directly from the home screen.6.3.1
Material 3 and More Known issue
Wireless Debugging
Introducing App Explorer
file into
for a better understanding of the reversed code. This
feature, if not needed, can be disabled in Settings > Enable/disable
Import Backups
from Other Applications
Profiles from the Automation Software
Improved Application
Component Blocking
6.3.10 Advanced Searching
6.3.12 Make the Best Use of
6.3.13 Widget: Screen Time
6.3.14 Widget: Clear Cache
Back up/restore feature is now finally out of beta! Read the corresponding guide to understand how it works.
Log viewer is essentially a
front-end for logcat
. It can be used to filter logs by
tag or pid (process ID), or even by custom filters.
Log levels AKA verbosity can also be configured. You can also save,
share and manage logs.
Lock App Manager with the screen lock configured for your device.
You can set any mode for any app ops that your device supports, either from the 1-click ops page or from the app ops tab.
You can now easily add selected apps to an existing profile using the batch operations.
App info tab now has many options, including the ability to change SSAID, network policy (i.e. background network usage), battery optimization, etc. Most of the tags used in this tab are also clickable, and if you click on them, you will be able to look at the current state or configure them right away.
Sort and filter options are now replaced by List Options which is highly configurable, including the ability to filter using profiles.
Interested in knowing about your device in just one page? Go to the bottom of the settings page.
Not interested in all the features that AM offers? You can disable some features in settings.
AM now has more than 19 languages! New languages include Farsi, Japanese and Traditional Chinese.
You can now import external signing keys in AM! For security, App Manager has its own encrypted KeyStore which can also be imported or exported.
Since APKMirror has removed encryption from their APKM files, it’s no longer necessary to decrypt them. As a result, the option to decrypt APKM files has been removed. Instead, this option is now provided by the UnAPKM extension which you can grab from F-Droid. So, if you have an encrypted APKM file and have this extension installed, you can open the file directly in AM.
Profiles finally closes the related
issue. Profiles can be used to execute certain tasks repeatedly
without doing everything manually. A profile can be applied (or invoked)
either from the Profiles page or from
the home screen by creating shortcuts. There are also some presets which
consist of debloating profiles taken from Universal
Android Debloater. Exporting rules and applying permissions are not currently
working. Profiles are applied for all users. Known limitations
Intercept works as a man-in-the-middle between source and
destination, that is, when you open a file or URL with another app, you
can see what is being shared by opening it with Interceptor first. You
can also add or modify the intents before sending them to the
destination. Additionally, you can double-click on any exportable
activities in the Activities tab in the App Details page to open them in
the Interceptor to add more configurations. Editing extras is not currently possible. Known limitation
When I released a small tool called UnAPKM, I promised that similar feature will be available in App Manager. I am proud to announce that you can open APKM files directly in the App Info page or convert them to APKS or install them directly.
App manager now supports multiple users! For now, this requires root or ADB. But no-root support is also being considered. If you have multiple users enabled and click on an app installed in multiple profiles, an alert prompt will be displayed where you can select the user.
Thanks to the contributors, we have one more addition to the language club: French. You can add more languages or improve existing translations at Weblate.
If App Manager crashes, you can now easily report the crash from the notifications which opens the share options. Crashes are not reported by App Manager, it only redirects you to your favourite Email client.
Added support for Android 11. Not everything may work as expected though.
In settings page, you can set install locations such as auto (default), internal only and prefer external.
In settings page, you can also set default APK installer (root/ADB only) instead of App Manager.
In settings page, you can allow App Manager to display multiple users during APK installation.
In settings page, you can choose to sign APK files before installing
them. You can also select which signature scheme to use in the APK
signing option in settings. Currently, only a generic key is used to sign APK files6. Known limitation
As promised, it is now possible to select splits. AM also provides
recommendations based on device configurations. If the app is already
installed, recommendations are provided based on the installed app. It
is also possible to downgrade to a lower version without data loss if
the device has root or ADB. But it should be noted that not all app can
be downgraded. Installer is also improved to speed up the installation
process, especially, for root users. If the app has already been
installed and the new (x)apk(s) is newer or older or the same version
with a different signature, AM will display a list of changes similar to
What’s New before prompting the user to install the
app. This is useful if the app has introduced tracker components, new
permissions, etc. Large app can take a long time to fetch app info, and therefore,
it may take a long time display the installation prompt. If the apk is not located in the internal storage, the app has to
be cached first which might also take a long time depending on the size
of the apk. Known Limitations
Exodus page is now replaced with scanner page. Scanner page contains not only a list of trackers but also a list of used libraries. This is just a start. In the future, this page will contain more in depth analysis of the app.
System Config lists various system configurations and whitelists/blacklists included in Android by either OEM/vendor, AOSP or even some Magisk modules. Root users can access this option from the overflow menu in the main page. There isn’t any official documentation for these options therefore it’s difficult to write a complete documentation for this page. I will gradually add documentations using my own knowledge. However, some functions should be understandable by their name.
Thanks to the contributors, AM now has more than 12 languages. New languages include Bengali, Hindi, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian.
More tags are added in the app info tab such as KeyStore (apps with KeyStore items), Systemless app (apps installed via Magisk), Running (apps that are running). For external apk, two more options are added namely Reinstall and Downgrade. Now it is possible to share an apk via Bluetooth. For system apps, it is possible to uninstall updates for root/ADB users. But like the similar option in the system settings, this operation will clear all app data. As stated above, exodus has been replaced with scanner.
It is now possible to sort and filter processes in this tab. Also, the three big buttons are replaced with an easy-to-use three dot menu. Previously the memory usage was wrong which is fixed in this version.
Toybox (an alternative to busybox) is bundled with AM. Although Android has this utility built-in from API 23, toybox is bundled in order to prevent buggy implementations and to support API < 23.
Component blocker seemed to be problematic in the previous version, especially when global component blocking is enabled. The issues are mostly fixed now.
The component blocking mechanism is no longer compatible with v2.5.6 due to various security issues. If you have this version, upgrade to v2.5.13 or earlier versions first. After that, enable global component blocking and disable it again.
Value of various app ops depend on their parent app ops. Therefore, when you allow/deny an app op, the parent of the app op gets modified. This fixes the issues some users have been complaining regarding some app ops that couldn’t be changed.
If an app has the target API 23 or less, its permissions cannot be
modified using the pm grant …
command. Therefore, for such
apps, option to toggle permission has been disabled.
The signature tab is improved to support localization. It also displays multiple checksums for a signature.
Manifest no longer crashes if the size of the manifest is too long. Generated manifest are now more accurate than before.
Bundled app formats such as apks and
xapk are now supported. You can install these apps
using the regular installation buttons. For root and adb users, apps are
installed using shell, and for non-root users, the platform default
method is used. Currently all splits apks are installed. But this
behaviour is going to change in the next release. If you only need a few
splits instead of all, extract the APKS or
XAPK file, and then, create a new zip file with your
desired split apks and replace the ZIP extension with
APKS. Now, open it with AM. There is no progress dialog to display the installation
progress. Known Limitations
You can now install APK, APKS or
XAPK directly from your favourite browser or file
manager. For apps that need updates, a What’s New
dialog is displayed showing the changes in the new version. Downgrade is not yet possible. There is no progress dialog to display the installation progress.
If you cannot interact with the current page, wait until the
installation is finished. Known Limitations
In the Settings page, a new option is added which can be used to remove all blocking rules configured within App Manager.
App Ops are now generated using a technique similar to AppOpsX. This should decrease the loading time significantly in the App Ops tab.
In the App Ops tab, a menu item is added which can be used to list only active app ops without including the default app ops. The preference is saved in the shared preferences.
Often the App Ops tab may not be responsive. If that’s the case, restart App Manager.
ADB shell commands are now executed using a technique similar to
AppOpsX (This is the free alternative of AppOps by Rikka.).
This should dramatically increase the execution time. AM can often crash or become not responsive. If that’s the case,
restart App Manager. Known Limitation
Add an option to filter apps that has at least one activity.
Apk files are now saved as app name_version.extension
instead of
Added a foreground service to run batch operations. The result of the operation is displayed in a notification. If an operation has failed for some packages, clicking on the notification will open a dialog box listing the failed packages. There is also a Try Again button on the bottom which can be used to perform the operation again for the failed packages.
Replaced Linux kill with force-stop.
Added German and Portuguese (Brazilian) translations. Not all translations are verified yet. Known Limitation
Install app only for the current user at the time of restoring backups. Support for split apks is also added.
Data backup feature is now considered unstable. If you encounter any problem, please report to me without hesitation.
App Ops (short hand for Application
Operations) are used by Android system (since Android 4.3) to
control application permissions. The user can control some
permissions, but only the permissions that are considered dangerous (and
Google thinks knowing your phone number isn’t a dangerous thing). So,
app ops seems to be the one we need if we want to install apps like
Facebook and it’s Messenger (the latter literary records everything if
you live outside the EU) and still want some privacy and/or
security. Although certain features of app ops were available in
Settings and later in hidden settings in older version of Android, it’s
completely hidden in newer versions of Android and is continued to be
kept hidden. Now, any app with
permission can get the app ops information for other applications but
this permission is hidden from users and can only be enabled using ADB
or root. Still, the app with this permission cannot grant or revoke
permissions (actually mode of operation) for apps other than itself
(with limited capacity, of course). To modify the ops of other app, the
app needs
permissions which isn’t accessible via pm
command. So, you
cannot grant it via root or ADB, the permission is only granted to the
system apps. There are very few apps who support disabling permissions
via app ops. The best one to my knowledge is AppOpsX. The main (visible)
difference between my app (AppManager) and this app is that the latter
also provides you the ability to revoke internet permissions (by writing
ip tables). One crucial problem that I faced during the development of
the app ops API is the lack of documentation in English language.
Figure 1 describes the process of changing
and processing permission. AppOpsManager can be used to manage
permissions in Settings app. AppOpsManager is also
useful in determining if a certain permission (or operation) is granted
to the application. Most of the methods of
AppOpsManager are accessible to the user app but unlike
a system app, it can only be used to check permissions for any app or
for the app itself and start or terminating certain operations.
Moreover, not all operations are actually accessible from this Java
class. AppOpsManager holds all the necessary constants
such as OP_*
, MODE_*
which describes
operation code, operation string and mode of operations respectively. It
also holds necessary data structures such as PackageOps and OpEntry.
PackageOps holds OpEntry for a
package, and OpEntry, as the name suggests, describes
each operation.
is completely hidden from a user
application but accessible to the system applications. As it can be seen
in Figure 1, this is the class that does the
actual management stuff. It contains data structures such as
Ops to store basic package info and Op
which is similar to OpEntry of
AppOpsManager. It also has Shell which
is actually the source code of the appops command line tool. It writes
configurations to or read configurations from /data/system/appops.xml
. System
services calls AppOpsService to find out what an
application is allowed and what is not allowed to perform, and
AppOpsService determines these permissions by parsing
. If no custom values are present in
appops.xml, it returns the default mode available in
AppOpsManager stands for application operations manager. It consists of various constants and classes to modify app operations.
See also: AppOpsManager documentation
are the integer constants starting from
implies that no operations are
specified whereas _NUM_OP
denotes the number of operations
defined in OP_*
prefix. While they denote each operation,
the operations are not necessarily unique. In fact, there are many
operations that are actually a single operation denoted by multiple
constant (possibly for future use). Vendors may define
their own op based on their requirements. MIUI is one of the vendors who
are known to do that.
public static final int OP_NONE = -1;
public static final int OP_COARSE_LOCATION = 0;
public static final int OP_FINE_LOCATION = 1;
public static final int OP_GPS = 2;
public static final int OP_VIBRATE = 3;
public static final int OP_READ_DEVICE_IDENTIFIERS = 89;
public static final int OP_ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION = 90;
public static final int OP_ACTIVATE_PLATFORM_VPN = 91;
public static final int _NUM_OP = 92;
Whether an operation is unique is defined by
. It maps each operation to another operation or
to itself (if it’s a unique operation). For instance,
and OP_GPS
are mapped to
Each operation has a private name which are described by
. These names are usually the same names as the
constants without the OP_
prefix. Some operations have
public names as well which are described by sOpToString
has the public name
As a gradual process of moving permissions to app ops, there are
already many permissions that are defined under some operations. These
permissions are mapped in sOpPerms
. For example, the
android.Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is
. Some operations may not have
any associated permissions which have null
As described in the previous section, operations that are configured
for an app are stored at /data/system/appops.xml
. If an
operation is not configured, then whether system will allow that
operation is determined from sOpDefaultMode
. It lists the
default mode for each operation.
constants also integer constants starting from
. These constants are assigned to each operation
describing whether an app is authorised to perform that operation. These
modes usually have associated names such as allow for
, ignore for
, deny for
(a rather misnomer), default
and foreground for
. The app is allowed to
perform the given operation
. The app is not
allowed to perform the given operation, and any attempt to perform the
operation should silently fail, i.e. it should not cause the
app to crash
. The app is not
allowed to perform the given operation, and this attempt should cause it
to have a fatal error, typically a
. The app should use
its default security check, specified in
. Special mode that
means “allow only when app is in foreground.” This mode was added in
Android 10
. This is a custom mode
used by MIUI whose uses are unknown.
AppOpsManager.PackageOps is a data structure to store all the OpEntry for a package. In simple terms, it stores all the customised operations for a package.
public static class PackageOps implements Parcelable {
private final String mPackageName;
private final int mUid;
private final List<OpEntry> mEntries;
As can be seen in Listing 2, it stores all OpEntry for a package as well as the corresponding package name and its kernel user ID.
AppOpsManager.OpEntry is a data structure that stores a single operation for any package.
public static final class OpEntry implements Parcelable {
private final int mOp;
private final boolean mRunning;
private final @Mode int mMode;
private final @Nullable LongSparseLongArray mAccessTimes;
private final @Nullable LongSparseLongArray mRejectTimes;
private final @Nullable LongSparseLongArray mDurations;
private final @Nullable LongSparseLongArray mProxyUids;
private final @Nullable LongSparseArray<String> mProxyPackageNames;
: Denotes one of the OP_*
: Whether the operation is in progress
(i.e. the operation has started but not finished yet). Not all
operations can be started or finished this way
: One of the MODE_*
: Stores all the available access
: Stores all the available reject
: All available access durations, checking
this with mRunning
will tell you for how long the app is
performing a certain app operation
: No documentation found
No documentation found
Latest appops.xml
has the following format: (This DTD is
made by me and by no means perfect, has compatibility issues.)
<!DOCTYPE app-ops [
<!ELEMENT app-ops (uid|pkg)*>
<!ELEMENT uid (op)*>
<!ELEMENT pkg (uid)*>
<!ELEMENT uid (op)*>
<!ELEMENT op (st)*>
The instruction below follows the exact order given above:
: The root element. It can contain any number
of pkg
or package uid
: (optional, integer) The version number (default:
or -1
: Stores package info. It can contain any number
of uid
: (required, string) Name of the package
Package uid
: Stores package or packages info
: (required, integer) The user ID
: The package user ID. It can contain any number
of op
: (required, integer) The user ID
: (optional, boolean) Is the app is a
private/system app
: The operation, can contain st
nothing at all
: (required, integer) The op name in integer,
i.e. AppOpsManager.OP_*
: (required, integer) The op mode,
i.e. AppOpsManager.MODE_*
: State of operation: whether the operation is
accessed, rejected or running (not available on old versions)
: (required, long) Key containing flags and
: (optional, long) Access time (default:
: (optional, long) Reject time (default:
: (optional, long) Access duration (default:
: (optional, string) Proxy package name
: (optional, integer) Proxy package uid
This definition can be found at AppOpsService.
or cmd appops
(on latest versions)
can be accessible via ADB or root. This is an easier method to get or
update any operation for a package (provided the package name is known).
The help page of this command is self-explanatory:
AppOps service (appops) commands:
Print this help text.
start [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE | UID> <OP>
Starts a given operation for a particular application.
stop [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE | UID> <OP>
Stops a given operation for a particular application.
set [--user <USER_ID>] <[--uid] PACKAGE | UID> <OP> <MODE>
Set the mode for a particular application and operation.
get [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE | UID> [<OP>]
Return the mode for a particular application and optional operation.
query-op [--user <USER_ID>] <OP> [<MODE>]
Print all packages that currently have the given op in the given mode.
reset [--user <USER_ID>] [<PACKAGE>]
Reset the given application or all applications to default modes.
Immediately write pending changes to storage.
Read the last written settings, replacing current state in RAM.
<PACKAGE> an Android package name or its UID if prefixed by --uid
<OP> an AppOps operation.
<MODE> one of allow, ignore, deny, or default
<USER_ID> the user id under which the package is installed. If --user is not
specified, the current user is assumed.